August 2022 Total Books Gifted

In August, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library gifted over 2,074,207 books. The total number of free books gifted as of August 2022, is 188,754,464!

Group 1 Children Born in 2022

Baby Talk

“Baby! Talk!”
By Penny Gentieu

Group 1 – Registered Children Born in 2022
Australia – “I Have”– 1/8/22
Canada – “Animals” – 7/30/22
Ireland – “Baby Touch: Farm” – 29/7/22
United Kingdom – “Baby Touch: Farm” – 29/7/22
USA – “Baby! Talk!” – 8/22/22

Group 2 Children Born in 2021

Little Poems for Tiny Ears 2021

“Little Poems for Tiny Ears”
By Lin Oliver & Illustrated by Tomie dePaola

Group 2 – Registered Children Born in 2021
Australia – “Q is for Quokka” – 1/8/22
Canada – “Clap Your Hands” – 7/30/22
Ireland – “Stanley’s Colours” – 29/7/22
United Kingdom – “Stanley’s Colours” – 29/7/22
USA – “Little Poems for Tiny Ears” – 8/19/22

Group 3 Children Born in 2020

There's a Hole in the Log on the Bottom of the Lake

“There’s a Hole in the Log in the Bottom of the Lake”
By Loren Long

Group 3 – Registered Children Born in 2020
Australia – “A River” or “There’s A Superhero in Your Book” – 1/8/22
Canada – “There’s a Hole in the Log on the Bottom of the Lake” – 7/30/22
Ireland – “There’s a Superhero in Your Book” – 29/7/22
United Kingdom – “There’s a Superhero in Your Book” – 29/7/22
USA – “There’s a Hole in the Log in the Bottom of the Lake” – 8/11/22

Group 4 Children Born in 2019

Ocean Lullaby

“Ocean Lullaby”
By Laura Mcgee Kvasnosky & Illustrated by Kate Harvey McGee

Group 4 – Registered Children Born in 2019
Australia – “Jonathan the Magic Pony” – 1/8/22
Canada – “Read to Tiger” – 7/30/22
Ireland – “Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy” – 30/7/22
United Kingdom – “Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy” – 30/7/22
USA – “Ocean Lullaby” – 7/30/22

Group 5 Children Born in 2018

Birds of a Feather

“Birds of a Feather”
By Jacqueline Winspear & Illustrated by Stephanie Fizer Coleman

Group 5 – Registered Children Born in 2018
Australia – “Colouroos”– 1/8/22
Canada – “On The Trap Line” – 7/30/22
Ireland – “Dog Loves Counting ” – 29/7/22
United Kingdom – “Dog Loves Counting ” – 29/7/22
USA – “Birds of a Feather” – 8/8/22

Group 6 Children Born in 2017

Wonder Walkers

“Wonder Walkers”
By Micha Archer

Group 6 – Registered Children Born in 2017
Australia – “Every Child A Song” or “The Bunyip of Berkeley’s Creek”– 1/8/22
Canada – “This is Ruby” – 7/30/22
Ireland – “Pablo: Pablo’s Feelings” – 30/7/22
United Kingdom – “Kicking a Ball” – 30/7/22
USA – “Wonder Walkers” – 8/3/22

Welcome Book First Book Children Receive

Little Engine That Could - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

“The Little Engine That Could”
Written by Watty Piper & Illustrated by Dan Santat 

Welcome Book – First book sent to registered children
Australia – “Roo Knows Blue” or “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?”– 1/8/22
Canada – “The Little Engine That Could” – 7/30/22
Ireland – “The Little Engine That Could” – 29/7/22
United Kingdom – “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” – 29/7/22
USA – “The Little Engine That Could” – 8/2/22

Graduation Book Last Book Children Receive

Look Out Kindergarten Here I Come - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

“Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!”
By Nancy Carlson 

Graduation Book – Last book children receive when they graduate from the program
Australia – “Starting School” – 1/8/22
Canada – “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” – 7/30/22
Ireland – “The Selfish Giant” – 29/7/22
United Kingdom – “Just Imagine” – 29/7/22
USA – “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” – 8/2/22

New to the Imagination Library?

You can check availability in your area to register a child, sign up to receive a notification when the Imagination Library becomes available to you or learn more about how to Start A Program in your area.

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library West Virginia Statewide Celebration August 9

Watch as Dolly Parton performs live during a visit to the West Virginia Statewide Celebration of the Imagination Library, streaming live Aug. 9 at 5:30 PM ET.

On Tuesday, August 9, join Dolly Parton for a livestream broadcast as she visits West Virginia for a statewide celebration of her Imagination Library!

Children whose parents enroll them in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of West Virginia receive one, free book in the mail each month from birth through age five at no cost, creating a personal library of as many as 60 books that can help form the foundation of a child’s early reading experience. The program is administered through a partnership between Marshall University’s June Harless Center and the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE).

Last year, the WVDE announced a major Imagination Library milestone with all 55 counties becoming active in the program. Dolly promised to visit West Virginia once all counties were onboard, making the state one of 11 in the U.S. with the distinction.

West Virginia Livestream Event at 5:30 PM EST

At 5:30 p.m. ET, tune in to watch Dolly as she joins West Virginia Governor Jim Justice for a sit-down interview and musical performance to celebrate the statewide expansion of West Virginia’s Imagination Library. The special livestream broadcast will be available to watch simultaneously on West Virginia Public Broadcasting television stations and social media channels, YouTube, as well as the Imagination Library website and Facebook page — and will include a performance by the Appalachian Children’s Chorus, greetings from Gov. Jim Justice, presentations from State Superintendent W. Clayton Burch, and a fireside chat with Marshall University President Brad Smith.

Register a Child

We’re celebrating the successful statewide coverage of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and the eligibility of children under five to enroll in West Virginia! Check Availability in your area and register a child for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library today.

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Ohio Statewide Celebration August 9

Watch as Dolly Parton performs live during a visit to Ohio’s 2022 Inaugural First Lady’s Luncheon, streaming live Aug. 9 at 12 PM ET.

On Tuesday, August 9, join Dolly Parton for a livestream broadcast as she visits Ohio’s 2022 Inaugural First Lady’s Luncheon for a statewide celebration of her Imagination Library!

Children whose parents enroll them in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio receive one, free book in the mail each month from birth through age five at no cost, creating a personal library of as many as 60 books that can help form the foundation of a child’s early reading experience.

Ohio Livestream Event at 12:00 PM EST

At 12:00 p.m. EST, tune in to watch Dolly as she joins Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and First Lady Fran DeWine for a special conversation and brief musical performance to celebrate the success of the Imagination Library in Ohio. The special livestream broadcast will be available to watch simultaneously here on, and the Imagination Library Facebook page.

“It is an incredible honor to host Dolly Parton, and celebrate the success of her book gifting program here in Ohio,” said First Lady Fran DeWine. “Ohio’s Imagination Library is thriving, and we are truly blessed to have so many supporters of the program in every community across our great state. These books are changing the lives of so many children, and preparing them for kindergarten—and life!”

The 2022 Inaugural First Lady’s Luncheon supports Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio, a passion of First Lady DeWine’s. The program was brought statewide to Ohio in 2019, under the guidance of First Lady DeWine. Today, 350,566 children are enrolled in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio, which means 49% of eligible children between birth to age five years old are enrolled in the program.

Register a Child

We’re celebrating full statewide coverage of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and the eligibility of every child under five to enroll in Ohio! Check Availability in your area and register a child for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library today.

Over 186 Million Free Books Gifted As Of July 2022

In July, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library gifted over 2,065,211 books. The total number of free books gifted as of July 2022, is 186,680,257!

Group 1 Children Born in 2022

The Pudgy Book of Mother Goose

“The Pudgy Book of Mother Goose”
By Richard Walz

Group 1 – Registered Children Born in 2022
Australia – “Baby Love I Feel” or “All About Me”– 1/7/22
Canada – “Same Same” – 6/28/22
Ireland – “Is This My Nose?” – 30/6/22
United Kingdom – “Is This My Nose?” – 30/6/22
USA – “The Pudgy Book of Mother Goose” – 7/2/22

Group 2 Children Born in 2021

The Home Builders

“The Home Builders”
By Varsha Bajaj & Illustrated by Simona Mulazzani

Group 2 – Registered Children Born in 2021
Australia – “I’ll Wait, Mr Panda” – 1/7/22
Canada – “The Home Builders” – 6/28/22
Ireland – “Peekaboo! Farm” – 30/6/22
United Kingdom – “Peekaboo! Farm” – 30/6/22
USA – “The Home Builders” – 7/20/22

Group 3 Children Born in 2020

Red House Tree House Itty Bitty Brown Mouse – Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

“Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty Brown Mouse”
By Jane Godwin & Illustrated by Blanca Gómez

Group 3 – Registered Children Born in 2020
Australia – “Peppa Loves the Great Barrier Reef” – 1/7/22
Canada – “What Does Crocodile Say?” – 6/28/22
Ireland – “The Three Little Pigs: Ladybird Touch and Feel Fairy Tales” – 30/6/22
United Kingdom – “The Three Little Pigs: Ladybird Touch and Feel Fairy Tales” – 30/6/22
USA – “Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty Brown Mouse” – 7/20/22

Group 4 Children Born in 2019

The Three Little Pigs

“The Three Little Pigs”
By Carly Gledhill

Group 4 – Registered Children Born in 2019
Australia – “Nickle Nackle Tree” – 1/7/22
Canada – “The Three Little Pigs” – 6/28/22
Ireland – “On the Farm with a Ladybird” – 30/6/22
United Kingdom – “On the Farm with a Ladybird” – 30/6/22
USA – “The Three Little Pigs” – 7/18/22

Group 5 Children Born in 2018

This Beach is Loud

“This Beach is Loud!”
By Samantha Cotterill

Group 5 – Registered Children Born in 2018
Australia – “Our Island” or “Charlotte and the Rock”– 1/7/22
Canada – “Natsumi’s Song of Summer” – 6/28/22
Ireland – “Pass It On ” – 30/6/22
United Kingdom – “Pass It On ” – 30/6/22
USA – “This Beach is Loud!” – 7/7/22

Group 6 Children Born in 2017

First Day Critter Jitters

“First Day Critter Jitters”
By Jory John & Illustrated by Liz Climo

Group 6 – Registered Children Born in 2017
Australia – “Rocky and Louie” or “The Bunyip of Berkeley’s Creek”– 1/7/22
Canada – “This is Ruby” – 6/28/22
Ireland – “Pablo: Pablo’s Feelings” – 30/6/22
United Kingdom – “Pablo: Pablo’s Feelings” – 30/6/22
USA – “First Day Critter Jitters” – 7/1/22

Welcome Book First Book Children Receive

Little Engine That Could - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

“The Little Engine That Could”
Written by Watty Piper & Illustrated by Dan Santat 

Welcome Book – First book sent to registered children
Australia – “Roo Knows Blue” or “Otto The Book Bear in the Snow”– 1/7/22
Canada – “The Little Engine That Could” – 6/28/22
Ireland – “The Little Engine That Could” – 30/6/22
United Kingdom – “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” – 30/6/22
USA – “The Little Engine That Could” – 6/29/22

Graduation Book Last Book Children Receive

Look Out Kindergarten Here I Come - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

“Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!”
By Nancy Carlson 

Graduation Book – Last book children receive when they graduate from the program
Australia – “Starting School” – 1/7/22
Canada – “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” – 6/28/22
Ireland – “The Selfish Giant” – 30/6/22
United Kingdom – “Just Imagine” – 30/6/22
USA – “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” – 6/30/22

New to the Imagination Library?

You can check availability in your area to register a child, sign up to receive a notification when the Imagination Library becomes available to you or learn more about how to Start A Program in your area.

June 2022 Total Books Gifted Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

In June, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library gifted over 2,043,373 books. The total number of free books gifted as of June 2022, is 184,615,046!

Group 1 Children Born in 2022

Who Says Quack

“Who Says Quack?”
By Jerry Smath

Group 1 – Registered Children Born in 2022
Canada – “Sometimes We Think You are a Monkey” – 6/1/22
Ireland – “Baby Touch B&W Animals” – 31/5/22
United Kingdom – “Baby Touch B&W Animals” – 31/5/22
USA – “Who Says Quack?” – 6/23/22

Group 2 Children Born in 2021

Tad and Dad

“Tad and Dad”
By David Ezra Stein

Group 2 – Registered Children Born in 2021
Canada – “Tad & Dad” – 6/1/22
Ireland – “Whose… Stripes?” – 31/5/22
United Kingdom – “Whose… Stripes?” – 31/5/22
USA – “Tad and Dad” – 6/22/22

Group 3 Children Born in 2020


By Laura McGee Kvasnosky & Kate Harvey McGee

Group 3 – Registered Children Born in 2020
Canada – “A Bedtime Yarn” – 6/1/22
Ireland – “Little World: Shopping Trip” – 31/5/22
United Kingdom – “Little World: Shopping Trip” – 31/5/22
USA – “Squeak!” – 6/20/22

Group 4 Children Born in 2019

Hair Love

“Hair Love”
By Matthew A. Cherry & Illustrated by Vashti Harrison

Group 4 – Registered Children Born in 2019
Canada – “The Secret Fawn” – 6/1/22
Ireland – “100 Cats” – 31/5/22
United Kingdom – “100 Cats” – 31/5/22
USA – “Hair Love” – 6/14/22

Group 5 Children Born in 2018

The Night Before the Dentist

“The Night Before the Dentist”
By Natasha Wing & Illustrated by Amy Wummer

Group 5 – Registered Children Born in 2018
Canada – “Encounter” – 6/1/22
Ireland – “When I Grow Up Farmer ” – 31/5/22
United Kingdom – “When I Grow Up Farmer ” – 31/5/22
USA – “The Night Before the Dentist” – 6/9/22

Group 6 Children Born in 2017

Blue Sky White Stars

“Blue Sky White Stars”
By Sarvinder Naberhaus & Illustrated by Kadir Nelson

Group 6 – Registered Children Born in 2017
Canada – “Mr Mole Moves In” – 6/1/22
Ireland – “Harry and the Guinea Pig” – 31/5/22
United Kingdom – “Harry and the Guinea Pig” – 31/5/22
USA – “Blue Sky White Stars” – 6/6/22

Welcome Book First Book Children Receive

Little Engine That Could - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

“The Little Engine That Could”
Written by Watty Piper & Illustrated by Dan Santat 

Welcome Book – First book sent to registered children
Canada – “The Little Engine That Could” – 6/1/22
Ireland – “The Little Engine That Could” – 31/5/22
United Kingdom – “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” – 31/5/22
USA – “The Little Engine That Could” – 6/2/22

Graduation Book Last Book Children Receive

Look Out Kindergarten Here I Come - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

“Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!”
By Nancy Carlson 

Graduation Book – Last book children receive when they graduate from the program
Canada – “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” – 6/1/22
Ireland – “The Selfish Giant” – 31/5/22
United Kingdom – “Just Imagine” – 31/5/22
USA – “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” – 6/2/22

New to the Imagination Library?

You can check availability in your area to register a child, sign up to receive a notification when the Imagination Library becomes available to you or learn more about how to Start A Program in your area.

Over 182 Million Free Books Gifted As Of May 2022

In May, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library gifted over 2,023,258 books. The total number of free books gifted as of May 2022, is 182,571,673!

Group 1 Children Born in 2022

Look at the Animals

“Look at the Animals”
By Peter Linenthal

Group 1 – Registered Children Born in 2022
Canada – “Look at the Animals” – 5/2/22
Ireland – “Moomin Baby: Words Tummy Time Concertina Book” – 29/4/22
United Kingdom – “Moomin Baby: Words Tummy Time Concertina Book” – 29/4/22
USA – “Look at the Animals” – 5/10/22

Group 2 Children Born in 2021

Sleep Tight with the Very Hungry Caterpillar

“Sleep Tight with the Very Hungry Caterpillar”
By Eric Carle

Group 2 – Registered Children Born in 2021
Canada – “Where’s Baby?” – 5/2/22
Ireland – “Where is the Very Hungry Caterpillar?” – 29/4/22
United Kingdom – “Where is the Very Hungry Caterpillar?” – 29/4/22
USA – “Sleep Tight with the Very Hungry Caterpillar” – 5/17/22

Group 3 Children Born in 2020

Dandelion Magic

“Dandelion Magic”
By Darren Farrell & Illustrated by Maya Tatsukawa

Group 3 – Registered Children Born in 2020
Canada – “Dandelion Magic” – 5/2/22
Ireland – “Ladybird First Favourite Nursery Rhymes” – 29/4/22
United Kingdom – “Ladybird First Favourite Nursery Rhymes” – 29/4/22
USA – “Dandelion Magic” – 5/23/22

Group 4 Children Born in 2019

Raindrops to Rainbow

“Raindrops to Rainbow”
By John Micklos, Jr. & Illustrated by Charlene Chua

Group 4 – Registered Children Born in 2019
Canada – “Raindrops to Rainbow” – 5/2/22
Ireland – “King Jack and the Dragon” – 29/4/22
United Kingdom – “King Jack and the Dragon” – 29/4/22
USA – “Raindrops to Rainbow” – 5/11/22

Group 5 Children Born in 2018

Alex's Good Fortune

“Alex’s Good Fortune”
By Benson Shum

Group 5 – Registered Children Born in 2018
Canada – “Alex’s Good Fortune” – 5/2/22
Ireland – “Chicken Nugget” – 29/4/22
United Kingdom – “Chicken Nugget” – 29/4/22
USA – “Alex’s Good Fortune” – 5/5/22

Group 6 Children Born in 2017

The Tree in Me

“The Tree in Me”
By Corinna Luyken

Group 6 – Registered Children Born in 2017
Canada – “Red Sky at Night” – 5/2/22
Ireland – “Do You Know? Level 1 – BBC Earth Birds and Insects” – 29/4/22
United Kingdom – “Do You Know? Level 1 – BBC Earth Birds and Insects” – 29/4/22
USA – “The Tree in Me” – 5/13/22

Welcome Book First Book Children Receive

Little Engine That Could - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

“The Little Engine That Could”
Written by Watty Piper & Illustrated by Dan Santat 

Welcome Book – First book sent to registered children
Canada – “The Little Engine That Could” – 5/2/22
Ireland – “The Little Engine That Could” – 29/4/22
United Kingdom – “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” – 29/4/22
USA – “The Little Engine That Could” – 5/2/22

Graduation Book Last Book Children Receive

Look Out Kindergarten Here I Come - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

“Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!”
By Nancy Carlson 

Graduation Book – Last book children receive when they graduate from the program
Canada – “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” – 5/2/22
Ireland – “The Selfish Giant” – 6/4/22
United Kingdom – “Just Imagine” – 29/4/22
USA – “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” – 5/3/22

New to the Imagination Library?

You can check availability in your area to register a child, sign up to receive a notification when the Imagination Library becomes available to you or learn more about how to Start A Program in your area.

Four Alberta Organizations Celebrate Imagination Library Partnership

Wood Buffalo Regional Library joined with Fort McKay Métis Nation, Athabasca Tribal Council and the Multicultural Association of Wood Buffalo to celebrate commitment to work together to foster a love of reading in young children.

An exciting event was held for the Imagination Library programs in the Wood Buffalo region of Alberta this past month! Four strategic partners came together to celebrate and commit to working together to foster a love of reading for children and families in their communities.

Surrounded by books, the Wood Buffalo Regional Library joined with Fort McKay Métis Nation, Athabasca Tribal Council, and the Multicultural Association of Wood Buffalo, to hold a wonderful ceremony. They commemorated their shared belief that literacy, starting at a young age, is important for bonding with parents & caregivers as well as establishing a long term love of reading. The commitment between Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and these four partners will serve as a tool in calls to reconciliation, as well as help newcomers set their children up for school readiness, and will remove barriers for families in accessing many books. Long time volunteer and champion of the Imagination Library, Julianne North Bourque, shared,

“The ceremony yesterday was exceptionally rewarding! Many great speeches with personal heartfelt stories, reminds us all on the board why we do this. And these organizations together we will help raise literacy rates, foster a love of reading and help set up children for success!”

Congratulations to everyone involved. What a wonderful way to celebrate all those who have worked so hard to get more books into the hands of more children!

About Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free books to children from birth to age five in participating communities within the United States, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Canada and Australia. Inspired by her father’s inability to read and write, Dolly Parton started her Imagination Library in 1995 for the children within her home county. Today, the program mails over 2 million books each month to children around the world.

The program is offered free of charge to families. Check Availability in your area and register a child for the Imagination Library, or find information to bring the program to your community and Start a New Program.

Oklahoma Kicks Off Statewide Expansion of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

The Imagination Library will soon be available to all children under five in Oklahoma!

The Oklahoma State Department of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister join Dolly Parton to announce the Oklahoma statewide expansion of her namesake Imagination Library book-gifting program. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is dedicated to inspiring a love of reading by gifting books each month to children from birth to age five, free of charge through funding shared by local community partners.

“I’m so excited to be working with Superintendent Joy Hofmeister and the Oklahoma State Department of Education to bring my Imagination Library to Oklahoma. Together let’s inspire a love of reading and learning in every child in Oklahoma,” says Dolly.

Dolly Parton started the program in 1995 as a way to distribute books to the impoverished Tennessee county where she grew up. The state of Tennessee quickly adopted the program statewide. Since then, the nonprofit program has expanded into five countries. Oklahoma is the twelfth state to commit to achieving statewide coverage, with Superintendent Hofmeister announcing that the Oklahoma State Department of Education is investing $2.5 million in federal pandemic relief funds to expand the reach of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to all 77 counties in Oklahoma.

Goals for Expansion

Through this statewide expansion effort, books will be made available free to children ages birth to five years old in every county in Oklahoma, regardless of the families’ income. Oklahoma’s Imagination Library currently has 13 operating affiliates serving more than 4,000 of the state’s nearly 264,000 eligible children under age 5, with another six affiliates in process.

The program’s unique funding structure centers on local community partnerships. The Oklahoma State Department of Education will provide a 1:1 match of all locally raised funds, ensuring as many as 264,000 Oklahoma children from birth to age 5 have free, high-quality, age appropriate books mailed to their homes on a monthly basis. The OSDE’s investment in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Oklahoma will be funded through June 30, 2024.

“The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in well-documented learning disruptions. The negative impacts on our youngest learners are particularly troubling and appear to be most severe among our most vulnerable student populations,” says Hofmeister. “These challenges underscore the need for robust early literacy interventions to help our kids get back on track. To date, the Dollywood Foundation’s Imagination Library program has mailed over 180 million free books to children across three continents. We are thrilled to partner with Dolly Parton, one of the world’s most noted supporters of early literacy, to help our kids build critical literacy skills before they ever step foot in Pre-K.”

Register a Child

Check Availability online to enroll Oklahoma children or get involved. Check back often to see if Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library has an affiliate in your area or stay tuned to expansion progress and news!

Join Dolly Parton for Two Livestream Broadcasts on May 5 to Celebrate the Imagination Library in Delaware and Arkansas

Watch as Dolly Parton performs live during visits to Imagination Library statewide celebrations in Delaware and Arkansas, streaming live May 5.

On Thursday, May 5, join Dolly Parton for two livestream broadcasts as she visits statewide celebrations of her Imagination Library in Delaware and Arkansas!

Children whose parents enroll them with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library receive one new book in the mail each month from birth through age five at no cost, creating a personal library of as many as 60 books that can help form the foundation of a child’s early reading experience. After tremendous growth, Delaware & Arkansas have now achieved statewide coverage, making every child under five eligible to enroll in the program.

Delaware Statewide Celebration at 12:30 PM EST

At 12:30 p.m. EST, tune in to watch Dolly as she joins Governor John Carney and First Lady Tracey Quillen Carney for a special conversation and brief musical performance to celebrate the success of the Imagination Library in Delaware. The special livestream broadcast will be available to watch simultaneously on and YouTube. (*Note: this event has been rescheduled to 12:30PM from its previously scheduled time.)

Governor Carney first announced a pilot launch of the Imagination Library program in five Delaware school districts in his 2020 State of the State address, with the Division of Libraries partnering with 13 local public libraries to make the program available to families within the pilot districts. Now, thanks to the tireless efforts of the program’s statewide partners and supporters, the Imagination Library has now reached full statewide coverage in Delaware.

Dolly Parton with the Dollywood Foundation's Nora Briggs & Jeff Conyers
Dolly Parton with the Dollywood Foundation's Nora Briggs & Jeff Conyers
Dolly Parton with the Dollywood Foundation's Nora Briggs & Jeff Conyers
Dolly Parton arrives in Delaware
Dolly Parton arrives in Delaware
Dolly Parton arrives in Delaware
Dolly Parton arrives in Delaware
Dolly Parton arrives in Delaware
Dolly Parton arrives in Delaware
Dolly Parton, Jeff Conyers (President, The Dollywood Foundation)
Dolly Parton, Jeff Conyers (President, The Dollywood Foundation)
Dolly Parton, Jeff Conyers (President, The Dollywood Foundation)
Delaware Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Delaware Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Delaware Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Delaware Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Delaware Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Delaware Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Delaware Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Delaware Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Delaware Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Arkansas Statewide Celebration at 6:35 PM CST

At 6:35 p.m. CST, Governor Asa Hutchinson, statewide leaders and local supporters welcome D;olly to the celebration in Arkansas for a brief musical performance and a live chat with local media personality, Craig O’Neill! Tune in to watch the special broadcast, streaming live simultaneously on, Youtube, and the Imagination Library Facebook page.

Since 2005, Imagination Library affiliates in Arkansas have gifted more than three million books, with more than 57,000 children in Arkansas currently enrolled in the program. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the program’s statewide partners and supporters, the Imagination Library has now reached full statewide coverage in Arkansas, making all children under five eligible for enrollment!

Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Dolly Parton, Craig O'Neill
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, Dolly Parton, Craig O'Neill
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Nora Briggs, Pam Hunsaker
Arkansas Statewide Celebration of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Register a Child

We’re celebrating full statewide coverage of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and the eligibility of every child under five to enroll in Delaware and Arkansas! Check Availability in your area and register a child for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library today.

Special encore presentation of “Goodnight with Dolly” episode, “Max and the Tag-Along Moon,” premieres May 6, 2022 in celebration of Floyd Cooper Day and Children’s Book Week.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is proud to celebrate the first annual Floyd Cooper Day on May 6! During the annual Children’s Book Week celebration May 2-8, 2022, the Imagination Library joins non-profit organization, Every Child a Reader, to honor the beloved author-illustrator on this special day.

In celebration of his inspiring and powerful work as an award-winning illustrator and author, the Imagination Library will premiere a special encore presentation of the award-winning “Goodnight with Dolly” online series on May 6, which will feature Dolly reading Cooper’s “Max and the Tag-Along Moon,” along with a special in-memoriam to Cooper.

Remembering Floyd Cooper’s LegacyFloyd Cooper

Floyd Cooper was a children’s book illustrator known for realistically and positively exploring the African American experience. With over 30 years of work and 100 titles, he strived to shed light on chapters of African American history that weren’t taught enough in classrooms. “Max and the Tag-Along Moon,” which Cooper wrote and illustrated, has become a beloved book in the Imagination Library cannon and his works have left a lasting impact among families all over the world. Sadly, Cooper passed on July 15, 2021, yet the ideals and values imparted through his works will live on forever.

Watch the Special Presentation of “Max and the Tag-Along Moon”

To celebrate the first annual Floyd Cooper Day, tune in on May 6 to watch a special encore presentation of the award-winning “Goodnight with Dolly” online series, which will feature Dolly reading Cooper’s “Max and The Tag-Along Moon,” ending with a new in-memoriam to Cooper and his legacy.

Celebrate Floyd Cooper Day on Friday, May 6

Join the celebration of the first annual Floyd Cooper Day on May 6, 2022, by using #FloydCooperDay across social media and tune in to the special presentation of “Max and the Tag-Along Moon.”